


Garden Lounge – 優雅精緻的餐飲體驗 Garden Lounge 坐落於 UG 花園樓層,透過 落地玻璃窗 可欣賞 聖約翰座堂 的美景,展現優雅與奢華。這裡以 招牌英式下午茶 聞名,同時提供 全天候餐飲菜單,融合 西式與亞洲經典佳餚。當夜幕降臨時,賓客還可享受 海鮮半自助晚餐,成為適合各種場合的理想用餐之選。 餐廳 裝潢融合冷灰色與金色,打造出現代時尚溫馨的氛圍。而 戶外座位區 依偎在綠意盎然的草坪旁,為喜愛悠閒用餐或攜帶寵物的賓客提供了寧靜的享受。 海鮮半自助晚餐 這場 半自助晚餐 以 時令精選美食 為亮點,匯聚 冰鎮海鮮、精緻冷盤 及 主廚現製主菜,為賓客帶來極致的用餐體驗。 海鮮精選 雪蟹腳 – 鮮甜可口,鹹度適中,肉質飽滿。 澳洲生蠔 – 肥美多汁,口感清脆,極為新鮮。 青口、蝦、蜆、小龍蝦、燜鮑魚 – 鮑魚肉質軟嫩,搭配醬汁,風味絕佳。 刺身 & 冷盤 八爪魚 & 北極貝刺身 – 鮮嫩清爽,口感細膩。 亞洲風味冷盤 – 泰式粉絲沙律、烤牛肉沙律、涼拌黑木耳、魚籽玉子燒、蒲燒鰻魚、煙燻鴨胸。 煙燻鴨胸 – 不是市售成品,而是 新鮮製作,煙燻香氣濃鬱,口感豐富。 熱食精選 片皮鴨 – 皮脆肉嫩,滋味十足。 烤肉眼扒 – 火候精準,肉質鮮嫩多汁。 烤火雞、炭烤翠玉瓜、玉米芯 – 口感豐富,搭配恰到好處。 主菜精選 第一道(湯品):海鮮濃湯 – 口感絲滑,風味濃鬱,充滿鮮美的海鮮精華。 第二道(主廚預選) 海鮮濃湯貓耳意粉 白酒汁烤大蝦 泰式炒雞肉碎羅勒葉生菜包 (最推薦!) 四川香辣炒牛肉 第三道(主菜) 半隻波士頓龍蝦 – 取出龍蝦肉,搭配菠菜炒香,再填回殼中,美味十足。 薑蔥豆豉蒸石斑魚 – 魚肉鮮嫩多汁,火候精準,醬汁恰到好處。 環境 & 服務 聚會的理想選擇 – 寬敞舒適,氣氛安靜宜人,非常適合與親友共度美好時光。 頂級服務體驗 – 服務團隊專業細緻,賓至如歸的感受,讓整個用餐過程更加愉悅。 甜點 & 雪糕站 驚喜不斷的甜點選擇 – 甜點種類繁多,涵蓋 經典蛋糕、節日主題甜點,更設有 專門的雪糕站,提供 傳統冰淇淋口味 以及 清新雪葩。 暢飲果汁 – 西柚汁 意外成為亮點,而且是 無限量供應! Garden Lounge 以 高雅環境、頂級美食 和 無可挑剔的服務 帶來 極致用餐體驗。無論是 享受精緻下午茶、沉浸在半自助海鮮盛宴,還是 悠閒戶外花園用餐,這裡都 值得一試。







自助餐, 海鮮, 甜點, 早餐


豪華, 舒適, 商務會議, 浪漫約會, 現代摩登, 酒店, 戶外, 城市景觀, 合家歡, 高級餐飲, 私人活動, 寧靜環境, 親切, 特製飲品, 輕鬆, 團體活動


英語, 中文


Mastercard®, Visa


* 7:00 & 7:30 am, we can only offer A La Carte Breakfast Menu. Discount fort these time slot only apply on the A La Carte Breakfast Menu. Breakfast Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Saturday to Sunday: 8:00am to 11:00am Lunch Monday to Saturday: 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. All Day Dining Monday to Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily ( including Public Holiday) AFTERNOON TEA Monday-Sunday 3pm-5pm. Dinner *Starting on 1st April,2025 onwards we will have two dining time for Dinner, 1st Seating 6pm-8pm, 2nd seating 8:15pm-10pm. Garden Lounge offers outdoor pet-friendly dining option during all meal periods. 1. Table Return Time: For reservations between Noon to 1:00 p.m., the table return time is 2:30 p.m.; For Saturday, Sunday and PH reservations at 3:00 p.m., the table return time is 4:15 p.m.; for reservations between 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., the table return time is 6:00 p.m. The reservation only allows to hold for 15 minutes, if the time reaches beyond the reservation time the discount will not be apply. Our Guest Relation team will contact you prior to your booking to reconfirm your reservation. We understand plans do change, therefore if you do need to cancel or reschedule, please do contact us prior to your appointed reservation as the table will be released after 15 minutes from your time of booking. Table reservations will be held for a maximum of 15 minutes from the reservation time. 2. The 50% discount applies for the relevant booking time only. It cannot be exchanged or use for early reservations. 3. Discount applies to dine-in on à la carte food items, afternoon tea set and semi-buffet only, and is not applicable to any beverages, set menus, promotions, special menus, menu supplement charges or events. 4. Discount is not applicable to any set-menus with alcohol beverage component. 5. Subject to 10% service charge based on the original price. 6. The offer is only applicable to dine-in. 7. The offer cannot be redeemed for cash or other products and services. 8. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions offers, discounts or vouchers. 9. The offer is applicable to bookings/visits of 2 to 6 guests per table and can only be used once per table per transaction. Splitting bill is not allowed. 10. Please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies or special meal requests. 11. Special requests and seating are subject to availability. 12. Dress code at Garden Lounge is smart casual. 13. Garden Lounge welcomes families with children of all ages. 14. In case of disputes, the decision of The Murray, Hong Kong, a Niccolo Hotel shall be final. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please make sure you are using the latest version of eatigo to display the updated information. Prices displayed are for reference only, please confirm the final prices with the hotel