


Cucina – 榮獲福布斯旅遊指南四星大獎的義式餐廳 Cucina 位於香港馬哥孛羅酒店 6 樓,是一家 優雅精緻的意大利餐廳,榮獲 2020 年福布斯旅遊指南四星大獎。餐廳擁有 開放式廚房,賓客可近距離欣賞主廚精湛的烹飪技藝,同時享受維多利亞港的壯麗美景。 必試推薦菜 前菜 海鮮塔 – 奢華海鮮拼盤,包括鮑魚、大蝦、海螺、龍蝦、蟹膏爆滿的麵包蟹,新鮮美味,口感極佳! 迷你鵝肝漢堡 – 小巧精緻,鵝肝 香滑濃鬱,入口即化。 招牌主菜 焗比目魚配炒蛤蜊及龍蝦汁 – 嫩滑比目魚 搭配 鮮美蛤蜊和濃鬱龍蝦汁,鮮香四溢。 紅酒慢煮牛頰佐薯泥 – 長時間慢煮的牛頰 軟嫩入味,搭配綿密薯泥,入口即化。 自助餐亮點 冷切肉拼盤、起司、沙拉、湯品 – 多樣選擇,新鮮健康,風味獨特。 即煮義大利麵 – 可自選醬汁,推薦 四重起司醬或龍蝦肉醬,口感濃鬱、風味十足。 松露炒蛋 & 烤豬鞍肉 – 松露香氣濃鬱,雞蛋細膩柔滑,搭配 外焦裡嫩的烤豬鞍,令人難以抗拒! 最終評價: 卓越的食材與烹飪品質,自助餐選擇豐富。 高性價比,頂級美食體驗物超所值。 無敵海景,讓人沉浸在美食與美景的完美結合中。 在 Cucina 一邊品嚐精緻意式美食,一邊俯瞰維港美景,絕對是一場難忘的味覺與視覺盛宴!





Drink specials


義大利料理, 海鮮, 甜點, 早餐


豪華, 休閒餐飲, 商務會議, 浪漫約會, 景觀開揚, 合家歡, 全日營業


英語, 中文


美國運通, Mastercard®, Visa, Diners, 銀聯, 微信支付, 八達通, 支付寶, JCB


1. Our Guest Relation team will contact you prior to your booking to reconfirm your reservation. Table reservations will be held for a maximum of 15 minutes from the reservation time. 2. Subject to 10% service charge based on the original price. 3. The offer is only applicable to dine-in. 4. Different menus are being served in different reservation periods. Our team will contact you to confirm all reservation details. 5. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, discounts or vouchers. 6. The offer is applicable to bookings/visits of one table sitting and can only be used once per table per transaction. Splitting the bill is not allowed. 7. Special requests and seating are subject to availability. 8. In case of disputes, the decision of Marco Polo Hotels – Hong Kong shall be final. 9. Discount is applicable to the above mentioned menu items only. 10. Dinner discount only applies on A La Carte Food and Beverage, not applies on Set Menu