The Curry Republic
recommended menu
special conditions
- Table reservations are held for a maximum of 15 minutes from the reservation time. - Discount applies to a la carte menu only, not including set menu, or other promotions. -Some foods are only available during certain hours, please check in advance for details. - Special requests and seating are subject to availability. -If the guest needs to change the number or time of the reservation, it must be changed directly in the eatigo system in advance. The restaurant will only provide seating arrangements and discounts based on the number of people booked on the system -Guests must present a proof of reservation before seating to enjoy the discount -If you make a reservation using the Eatigo cash voucher, you must notify and show the reservation page before taking the seat for the restaurant staff to record and verify -In case of any dispute, restaurant reserves the right of final decision.
We are a team of the best Indian food chefs in Hong Kong. Our main aim is to provide the finest quality traditional Indian foods for the people of Hong Kong. We are committed to quality, freshness, delicacy, and deliciousness. We are from the land where guests are supposed to be equal to the god. Be our guest and get the best of bests values and aromatic foods. We are not only an authentic Indian food restaurant that serves you the finest quality dishes but we also serve you love and respect.